Start Your Evaluation Now.

Click on any issue below. After reviewing one issue, you can stop or look at another issue.

We cannot tell you if you will “win” or “lose” your appeal. This Guide will help you decide what you to do:

  • You may decide to discontinue your appeal.
  • Sometimes, BC Assessment suggests a change to your assessment.
  • If you decide to continue with your appeal to a formal decision by our Board, the Guide will help you prepare better support and evidence.

After you finish, help us improve: complete 5 minute survey

Choose From the List of Issues Below.

A.My assessment is not at market value (too high or too low)


This is one of the most common issues.  We will recommend what support or evidence you will need.

  • Keep in mind: you should be looking at what your property was worth around July 1 last year.
  • Option before reviewing this issue: quick check on common weaknesses
Proceed with this issue
B.There is a problem with my property or it is in poor condition


This issue deals with the condition of your property.  Your property might be worth less if it has a problem or needs major repairs.

Keep in mind:

We must look at what the condition of your property was on October 31 last year.  For example:

  • If your property was damaged before October 31 last year, we can consider it for this year's assessment.
  • If the damage happened after October 31, we can only consider it for next year's assessment.
Proceed with this issue
C.The description of my property (e.g.: size, etc.) is wrong


This issue deals with BC Assessment's description of your property.

  • Your assessment is based on the type of property, the size of the land and building, age and other important factors.

  • If BC Assessment's records are wrong, your assessment may also be wrong.

Proceed with this issue
D.My assessment is not fair compared to assessments of similar properties (equity issue)


Equity or fairness appeals are probably the most complex.

Proceed with this issue
E.Negative factors reduce the value of my property (e.g.: noise)


You may be concerned that a negative factor has reduced the value of your property.  This could be:

  • Traffic noise from a busy road;
  • Your property is too steep;
  • Your view is blocked;
  • Water floods the property; or
  • Other factors.

If this is your concern, continue with this issue.

If you are concerned about the condition of your own property (for example, it needs a new roof), see: there is a problem with my property or it is in poor condition.

Option before reviewing the issue: quick check on common weakness

Proceed with this issue
F.My assessment went up more than my neighbour's or the average for my area

Before you start: 

You can make this comparison as first step to see if there may be a problem with your assessment.  But, you will usually not succeed with this argument:

Proceed with this issue
G.My assessment is higher than other properties

Before you start: 

You can make this comparison as first step to see if there may be a problem with your assessment.  But, you will usually not succeed with this argument:

Proceed with this issue
H.My improvement assessment went up, but my property did not change


Your assessment will have separate values for the "land" and "improvements".  Improvements may be a house, garage or other buildings.  Review this issue if you are concerned about an increase in your improvements assessment. 

Proceed with this issue
I.No properties sold in my area, so my assessment should not change

Just because there were no sales in your area, does not mean your assessment cannot increase.

  • Your assessment should be at what your property was worth around July 1 last year.  This is called its market value.
  • Even without sales, market values can increase.  There may be sales in another neighbourhood that show that values increased in your area.
  • The best evidence is the sales of similar properties.
  • You may need to look farther away from your neighbourhood to find sales.  We recommend you review market value using common methods.

 You are finished evaluating this issue.

J.I cannot sell my property now for as much as it is assessed

You believe your assessment is higher than what your property is currently worth.  This may mean your assessment is too high.  However, you probably will not succeed with this argument, because:

  • Your assessment should be at what your property was worth around July 1 last year, not what it is worth now.
  • The value of your property may have changed since last July.

It is better to find similar properties that sold closer to July last year.  We recommend you review market value using common methods.

You are finished evaluating this issue.

K.My taxes are too high

Your assessment is based on your property’s market value.  Your local government calculates your taxes based on your property assessment.  We cannot help you reduce your taxes. 

  • If your assessment is inaccurate or unfair compared to other properties, you can look at the other issues in this Guide to help you decide if you want to continue with your appeal.

We have no power to deal with taxes.

L.I was treated poorly by BC Assessment or the Property Assessment Review Panel

We cannot help you with this issue.

  • We do not supervise BC Assessment or the first level of appeal - the Property Assessment Review Panel.
  • We are completely independent from them.
  • We have no power to evaluate or comment on how they behaved or how they treated you.

We can only decide if your assessment is correct and accurate.

If you are unhappy with how you were treated, you have three options:

For concerns about BC Assessment:
Contact the Assessor in your local office or their headquarters in Victoria

For concerns about Property Assessment Review Panel:
Contact the Administrator

For concerns about either organization:
Contact the Ombudsperson

M.I have a different concern

This Guide does not cover all possible issues.  We may be able to help you with some other issues.