Viewing Issue F

My assessment went up more than my neighbour's or the average for my area

Did your assessment go up significantly more than the other properties you are comparing with?

Differences of less than 5% are often not considered significant.  See examples of changes in assessments.


  1. Calculate the percentage difference between your assessment last year and this year.   
  2. Compare this to the percentage change for the other properties. 
  3. Be careful to look at the same group of properties.  If your property is a single-family dwelling, look for the average change for single-family dwellings rather than for strata properties. 

Statistics on assessments changes are posted on BC Assessment’s website


It is possible that your assessment is too high. However, there may be good reasons why your assessment changed at a higher rate. See common weaknesses in comparing average changes

You have two options:

  1. Talk to BC Assessment about your comparisons with other assessments. They may have a good explanation for the differences. Or, they may agree to reduce your assessment.
  2. Do more research.  We recommend you review market value using common methods.

If you talk to BC Assessment and are not satisfied, we suggest you look for stronger support for your arguments.  Option 2 will help you decide whether or not to continue with your appeal.


The change in your assessment is similar with other properties.

Your assessment is an estimate of your property's market value. It could be worth a little less or a little more than your assessment.

For these reasons, usually we would not reduce your assessment.

You are finished evaluating this issue. 

It is completely up to you if you continue with your appeal. We hope this Guide has helped you decide.


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